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International Organisations & Agreements

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The Memorandum of Understanding to protect sea turtles in the Indian Ocean, open-box

  • Country : Bangkok
  • Joint Date : 2004
  • Scope :

    Aims to conserve sea turtles

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) open-box

  • Country : Japan
  • Scope :

    Aims to provide financial and technical support in the implementation of a number of projects related to environmental protection and the conservation of its natural resources.

The World Bank open-box

  • Country : United States of America
  • Scope :

    Aims to provide technical and financial support to member countries to assist them in their obligations to implement international agreements of the United Nations.

The Global Environment Facility open-box

  • Country : United States of America
  • Scope :

    Aims to provide financial and technical support in implementing the chemicals management agreements.

The German Technical Cooperation Program (GTZ)) open-box

  • Country : Austria
  • Scope :

    Aims to provide financial and technical support for the implementation of some projects.

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